- Quitus : release given to the Directors or Manager of a company for the performance of their duties, in general at the time when the company accounts are submitted to the general Meeting of Shareholders.
- Quittance : receipt acknowledging payment of moneys or rent.
- Référé : summary proceedings before the civil, commercial or administrative Court.
- Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés : Companies and Commerce Registry.
- Règlement : regulation.
- Règlement européen : regulation directly applicable throughout the European Union, without the need for specific implementation on the part of the member States, as in the case of Directives.
- Représentant des créanciers : Court appointed Officer to represent the interests of creditors in a French bankruptcy case.
- Requête : petition.
- Responsabilité : liability under (i) torts (responsabilité délictuelle) or (ii) contracts (responsabilité contractuelle).
- Saisie : attachment measures, either prior to trial or to enforce a judgment.
- Saisie-contrefaçon : attachment of infringing products prior to an infringement suit.
- Savoir-faire : know-how.
- Second marché : second tier market for a listed company.
- Sécurité Sociale : Social Security.
- Sénat : the upper house of the French Parliament.
- Sentence arbitrale : arbitral award.
- Serment : oath.
- Signification : service of a judgment or judicial order.
- Société : Company.
- Société Anonyme (S.A.) : Corporation.
- Société à Responsabilité Limitée (S.A.R.L.) : Limited Liability Company.
- Société Civile : Civil Company.
- Société en Nom Collectif (S.N.C.) : Partnership.
- Société en participation : partnership syndicate.
- Société par Actions Simplifiée (S.A.S.) : new type of Commercial Company, the shareholders of which are legal persons.
- Statuts : Company’s articles of Association and by-laws.
- Stock : inventory.
- Succession : estate devolution, probate.
- Succursale : branch.
- Sûreté : secured interest.
- Sursis à statuer : stay.
- Syndic : name formerly given to a receiver or liquidator in bankruptcy (before the Bankruptcy Act of 1985).
- Syndic de copropriété : Manager of a condominium.
- Tarif : fees schedule.
- Transaction : settlement agreement.
- Trésor Public : French Tax Services.
- Tribunal : Tribunal.
- Tribunal Administratif : Administrative Tribunal.
- Tribunal Correctionnel : Criminal Court for misdemeanours (a specializeddivision of Tribunal de Grande Instance).
- Tribunal de Commerce : Commercial Court, with exclusive jurisdictions for disputes between commercial companies and businesses in general.
- Tribunal de Grande Instance : Court of Ordinary Jurisdiction.
- Tribunal d’Instance : Municipal Court.
- Tribunal de Police : Magistrate for petty offenses.
- Tribunal des Conflits : jurisdiction composed of counselors to the “Cour de Cassation” and to “Conseil d’Etat” having as purpose to solve disputes of a jurisdictional nature as to whether the Administrative Courts or the Courts of ordinary jurisdictions have authority to adjudicate a given dispute.
- Tuteur : Guardian appointed by the Court in the most serious forms of incompetency.
- Union Européenne : European Union.
- Urbanisme : city zoning.
- Valeurs mobilières : securities (including “obligations”/bonds and “actions”/shares).
- Vente : sale.
- Vérification : generally a tax audit.
- Warrant : security upon goods in storage.